Charting a course for the
professional growth
and development of principals
We can all achieve more when we have clear goals. The Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T-PESS) gives principals the guidance they need to chart their own course for professional growth and development. At the same time, it helps principal appraisers guide that growth using clear appraisal guidelines that nurture ongoing improvement, systematically support performance, identify performance strengths and support gaps, and provide constructive feedback.
Balanced Leadership
Strong school leaders are continually engaged in focusing the work of the school, leading change, and developing purposeful community within the school and beyond. There are times when a leader’s priority is to reinforce existing expectations, such as order and discipline, and there are times when the priority is to challenge staff and students to consider new ways of thinking. T-PESS is designed to help principals achieve this ideal balance, which is at the core of effective leadership.
Working Together
Just as students can achieve more with the feedback of a teacher, principals can better attain their professional goals with the help and guidance of a knowledgeable principal appraiser. T-PESS was designed as a collaborative initiative that gives principals and principal appraisers objective, evidence-based standards based on four key priorities:

Personify continuous growth and improvement

Guide self-reflection

Inform professional development

Improve leadership qualities
On this website, you’ll learn about the evaluation process, timelines and schedules, roles and expectations, Texas Principal Standards, and other relevant information that will help you understand and attain the goals set forth by T-PESS. Whether you’re a principal or principal appraiser, consider this your home base for the journey toward continuous growth and improvement in our schools.